Tagged: twitter

Building a Better Social Network 3

Building a Better Social Network

One of the biggest limitations of using a blog to own your own content is that you more-or-less give up controlling access to your content. Everything is out in the open by default. The workarounds are to either secure individual...

Own Your Content (Or, Start Using Your Blog Again) 3

Own Your Content (Or, Start Using Your Blog Again)

Any time Facebook proposes some kind of change to their terms of service, the user base gets whipped into an uproarious frenzy. “How dare they!” a million angry commenters rage, doing a copy/paste of some boilerplate “I still own my...

Noise Control 2

Noise Control

One of the biggest problems with all social media problems is noise control. You will inevitably end up with a lot of content that just doesn’t appeal to you at all. Despite the various ways that platforms attempt to address...

Why I Hate Registration (And You Should Too) 2

Why I Hate Registration (And You Should Too)

Every time a website wants me to register a new account, I reflexively tense up and feel my blood pressure rising. Sure, it’s inconvenient, but that’s not why I do it. I do it because using your own registration system...

Twitter as a General Conference Tool 0

Twitter as a General Conference Tool

A lot of people don’t really get Twitter. To be honest, I didn’t get it either until I actually started using it. Up until this weekend, I used it primarily to share links and get customer service escalation as well...

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-01 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-01

Had to make a call to Bermuda. Instead of paying Sprint $1.49/min, I used the free balance in Google Voice at $0.09/min. WIN! # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-31 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-31

I’m telecommuting from Sacramento. I love my job. # Jack Thompson has zero credibility. Why anyone would want to be on the same side as him is well beyond me. # Just upgraded Eve on my laptop and found that...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-30 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-30

We went to a great baby blessing, broke the fast with good food, then played fat dog all day. It was awesome. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-29 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-29

Just got on I-15. Sacramento, here we come. # @cboyack That doesn’t even include the 4+ hours in front of other screens. # Approaching Wendover. Liam is doing quite well for his first road trip. # Just made it to...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-28 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-28

We crunched numbers and it looks like we can make things work with the severance. I’ll work some OT and sell my plasma (seriously). # @triplej2676 That’s why I use a send delay in Outlook. It’s also saved me from...