Tagged: macrodactyly
Liam's Hand Surgery
A lot of people are asking about it, so I thought maybe I should just get it written down in one spot so I stop having to repeat myself. Liam’s hand surgery has been scheduled for April 28 at Children’s...
Ready, set… boredom (PLUS, a shameless plug)
So tonight was my first night “out on the floor” as they say in cosmetology school. Out of the classroom, and into the salon where I will now perform a variety of heavily supervised services on brave individuals too cheap...
Beantown or bust
Well, folks, it looks like we’re going to be going to Boston after all. I got a call from the hand surgeon at Children’s Hospital Boston yesterday. It was so nice to talk to someone who seems to know what...
Liam’s Macrodactyly
So I mentioned the appointment with Liam’s surgeon the other day, but it occurs to me that I’ve never really talked about Liam’s hand on this blog before. And I know that when we got Liam’s diagnosis, I would have...
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