CoolestFamilyEver Blog

You know how most kids are grossed out by kissing? 0

You know how most kids are grossed out by kissing?

Liam is apparently not that kid. Today, he said “daddy squeeze mommy”, so I gave Shauna a hug. Pleased with the results, he followed up with “daddy kiss mommy”. Happy to oblige, kid. Happy to oblige.

Your first computer? 1

Your first computer?

Lifehacker asked the interesting question: when did you get your first computer? My “first” depends on your definition. The first computer we had at home was an old Packard Bell purchased in 1989 or 1990. It was a glorious 286...

Another Comcast Bait and Switch, redux 1

Another Comcast Bait and Switch, redux

Despite being elevated to executive customer service, Comcast is still failing to impress me. To her credit, Annette has been pleasant to deal with, but I’m still left with a lot of bad taste in my mouth. Here’s a rundown...

Some sobering reality on fingerprint readers 0

Some sobering reality on fingerprint readers

Since Apple confirmed the poorly-kept secret that the latest iPhone would have a fingerprint reader, I’ve seen a lot of people state things about the technology that just aren’t so. These ideas are no doubt fueled by the fantasy presented...

Nathan’s New Jam 1

Nathan’s New Jam

Nathan has only mastered a few words and phrases, but so far his most favorite is “happy”. When he’s in a good mood, he’ll just wander around saying “happy, happy” over and over and over again. About a week ago,...

Another Comcast Bait and Switch 7

Another Comcast Bait and Switch

It took Comcast all of a day after our move to Utah to get on my “not impressed” list. In the intervening 8+ years, I can’t say they’ve done much beyond striving for mediocrity. From incompetent technical support to unexplained...

I don’t trust electronic locks and neither should you 0

I don’t trust electronic locks and neither should you

I’ve seen a lot of buzz over the last few months about electronic locks for your home. They offer a lot of interesting features that, I’ll admit, look pretty tempting. Granting a temporary key with an expiration date? That’s cool....

“Please, call me daddy.” 2

“Please, call me daddy.”

Liam has picked up an… interesting new habit. He used to call Shauna and I mommy and daddy like a typical kid. Now he’s decided to call us by our first names since he hears us doing that with each...

A Home Phone Without the Landline 2

A Home Phone Without the Landline

We’ve had some kind of phone beyond our cell phones since, well, forever. At the time, it was a good way to keep from burning through precious and limited cell minutes. Now we’re at a point where cell minutes are...