The First Fruits
It's barely even a mouthful, but oh so good. I'm hoping that some of the tiny berries will give way to larger ones later in the season.
The Story of Us.
It's barely even a mouthful, but oh so good. I'm hoping that some of the tiny berries will give way to larger ones later in the season.
After several months of wishing it was working, we finally had an electrician pay us a visit today to address our derelict swamp cooler. After about 45 minutes, he had it all wrapped up and good to go. The issue?...
Annabelle has this incredibly adorable and funny habit of peeping on Jesse when he's in the shower. A couple days ago, she even got so curious what was going on in there that she JUMPED in the shower with him....
It looks like we're having some problems with some comments not showing up properly in WordPress. One of them was edited to fix some bad HTML, but the others that aren't appearing seem to have no rhyme or reason to...
In our living room. Does anyone have a spare igloo we can move into? Please send chilly thoughts our way. And ice cream.
Work-related travel had me spending the latter half of the week in the Lone Star State, a river away from both a foreign country and another state. El Paso looks a lot like pretty much any other town in any...
Continue to bitch about gas prices while bending over and taking it. Reduce the amount of gas that we use. I'm not saying gas prices don't annoy me. They totally do. But if I get one more email about how...
We had a little BBQ with my brother's family yesterday and I'm not too humble to admit that my favorite part was this pie that I made. Soooo good! It really is a great summer treat. It's super easy to...
There's a new photo album up with pictures of Annabelle and Chloe. Why don't you go check it out?
Web folks are fascinated with statistics. We love to see how many visits our blogs get, how they get there, who's linking to us and what browser everyone is using. In our quest for meaningful data concerning who's reading and...
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