To Build or Not To Build
There comes a time in the course of a computer geek’s computing that he (or she) realizes that upgrading has been put off for WAY too long. That time came the other night as the desktop started choking on HD...
The Story of Us.
There comes a time in the course of a computer geek’s computing that he (or she) realizes that upgrading has been put off for WAY too long. That time came the other night as the desktop started choking on HD...
When the vast majority of your co-workers think you're "Most Likely to Go Postal", it's a bad idea to joke about bringing in an AK-47. Just sayin'.
We're not done yet. It's taking forever and we still don't have the ability to use the stove/oven or sink. But we just dropped the sink in tonight and doesn't it look so pretty with the counter top? My neighbor,...
A voice mail is not the place to start monologuing. Leaving me a 2-minute message to say what could be said in 20 seconds means it'll take that much longer for me to call you back (plus the time to...
The trip to Home Despot is often enough to make me drag my heels for weeks on basic home improvement tasks. It's usually too crowded, nobody useful works there, nothing is labeled. I suppose if you're a elbow-throwing contractor that...
So… many more pieces of counter just spontaneously fell off . And then the counter turned into the giant scab on your arm that you just can’t leave alone. I picked at it and picked at it… until this happened:...
Last night, Jesse and I checked out a restaurant we've heard some good things about: Royal India . It's in Sandy in the same shopping center as Smith's. I was a little reluctant at first because it's one of those...
As of August 9th, this little blog has been going for a year. Since then, we've built up from nothing to over 1500 unique visitors dropping by over 4200 times a month, moved from a dinky secondhand server on our...
You know you've always wanted to read the collected works of Dickens. Maybe you really want to catch up on your Cervantes. Perhaps you've always meant to read The Art of War but never got around to it. With DailyLit,...
Shauna and I watched Serendipity tonight. As with every other one of his flicks I've seen, it was good. I'm beginning to think he just can't make truly bad movies. Or do I have some kind of weird man-crush on...
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