CoolestFamilyEver Blog

First World Problem: MC Frontalot vs Weird Al Yankovic 5

First World Problem: MC Frontalot vs Weird Al Yankovic

Uh oh. Weird Al Yankovic has a new album leaking out and it looks like we now have competition for song about first world problems. Seriously. Here’s MC Frontalot’s version: And now Weird Al’s (updated with the official music video):...


Switching it all: From the HTC Evo 4G LTE on Sprint to the LG Nexus 5 on T-Mobile

After many, many years of loyalty to Sprint, Shauna and I broke ranks and jumped ship to T-Mobile when our contract was up. After just a week of being on a new handset with a new carrier, I can see...

On Excommunication 6

On Excommunication

I’ve already pretty clearly drawn my line in the sand on the Ordain Women movement, so I can’t express any amount of surprise at the news that the leader of the movement may be facing an excommunication hearing. I think...

Moving to the country (we’re gonna eat a lot of peaches) 2

Moving to the country (we’re gonna eat a lot of peaches)

We don’t have a date yet, but Jesse and I are hoping to move our family to the Cedar City area sometime this summer. Our house will be going on the market in the next couple of weeks, just as...

Building a Better Social Network 3

Building a Better Social Network

One of the biggest limitations of using a blog to own your own content is that you more-or-less give up controlling access to your content. Everything is out in the open by default. The workarounds are to either secure individual...

Destination 210: Focusing on health, not weight 0

Destination 210: Focusing on health, not weight

I’ve been dropping weight at a glacial pace for the last several weeks. It’s still coming off, but maybe at a rate of a pound a week, tops. I’m still losing fat mass, but that’s also going pretty slowly. I’ve...

Ordain Women and doing it wrong 3

Ordain Women and doing it wrong

Like 87% of LDS Church membership, I do not support Ordain Women. I believe both their goals and their methods to be deeply flawed and out of touch with how the Church operates. I want to lay out some reasons...


In which I hate on the How I Met Your Mother finale

Warning: here be spoilers. Run the other way if you want to ruin, er, watch the show for yourself. I’ve seen more than one source describe How I Met Your Mother as “Friends for Millennials”. After the train wreck of...

A one car family, revisited 1

A one car family, revisited

Some time ago, we thought about maybe going down to one car. We decided against it since I was working in an office and Shauna would still need to go places with the kids. You can get many tips about...