CoolestFamilyEver Blog

Getting the Best Buy Out of Best Buy 9

Getting the Best Buy Out of Best Buy

For quite some time now, we’ve been using a pretty ghetto vacuum cleaner. I picked it up about 6-7 years ago when I first moved out and it’s since followed me through 5 dwellings and getting married. It’s been on...

Further Evidence That Lowe's Rocks 2

Further Evidence That Lowe's Rocks

A little under three weeks ago, the ancient relic that was our refrigerator started showing some early warning signs of death. It started with things kept in there not feeling quite as cool as they should. Before long, we were...

Some Post-Conference Thoughts 3

Some Post-Conference Thoughts

There's no particular theme other than these thoughts all relate to the October 2007 General Conference.

The Best Entertainment on TV 6

The Best Entertainment on TV

Where does it come from? Probably this guy: (source) Yes, a certain Mr. Alton Brown. Anyone who's caught more than a few episodes of his landmark TV show, Good Eats, knows what I'm talking about. It's part sketch comedy, part...

Restaurant Roundup: Omaha, NE 3

Restaurant Roundup: Omaha, NE

Going out of town can sometimes be a pain in the rear. I spent the 12th through 16th in fabulous Omaha, coming back to a desk full of more work than I knew what to do with. This was no...

HAMing It Up 4

HAMing It Up

Many moons ago (a few over 200 to be more exact), I had a teacher who was big-time into HAM radio. I was pretty interested in it from the few times I saw him using one and started studying what...

We will rock you

We will rock you

That was the first song played at the funeral I attended today . And between each speaker, they played another song, each just as seemingly out of place at a funeral as the one before it. It was fitting for...

More Office Pranks 6

More Office Pranks

Everyone in the office knows to lock their PCs when they step away from their desks, even for a moment. You might ask why this is. It's because if you don't, you risk getting Hoffed.  That's where your background gets...

A Special Note to Kenneth White and the Builders of White City 5

A Special Note to Kenneth White and the Builders of White City

You Suck. I mean, seriously. Have you guys ever seen a measuring tape, a level or a square? Is it really that hard to ensure that cabinets hung next to each other are at the same height? Is it too...