Pictures from Italy, Round 1: Venice
Yes, yes. I know we've been remiss in sharing tales of foreign lands and awesome foods. I've been working on the trip log since we got back (when time presents itself) and I promise to have it done by New...
The Story of Us.
Yes, yes. I know we've been remiss in sharing tales of foreign lands and awesome foods. I've been working on the trip log since we got back (when time presents itself) and I promise to have it done by New...
Merriam-Webster choose "w00t" as its word of the year. Halo fans everywhere are celebrating with drunken riots.
The Midwest solidly earned its reputation for harsh winters. After just a few days in Iowa, I can see that Utahns have it rather easy. We usually don’t have that kind of cold until mid-January and only for a few...
It's 16ºF here. There's supposed to be 4 inches of snow tomorrow. I think I picked the wrong place for a on-site.
You're looking at one of Utah's newest HAM operators. Tonight I took the Technician test and passed without a problem. In a couple of days, I get listed on the FCC database with a shiny new call sign and I...
Just a quickie to let everyone know that we got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Shauna's been sleepy (oxycodone/Percoset will do that) but we've had a few welcomed visitors over today. Anyone looking to do well-wishing should drop by...
The good news is that she's doing okay so far. She's still in a bit of pain, but she's alert and coherent despite the various painkillers she's been taken. Here's the deal on what went down.
Appendicitis. More specifically, Shauna's sitting in St. Mark's Hospital (room 9 in the emergency room if you're interested) with a "gnarly-looking" (quote from the doctor) hunk of everyone's favorite vestigial organ. She's going to have it taken out tomorrow (today?)...
Just a quick update that we're back from Italy. We'll be posting pictures and other stuff once we're not so stinking tired. And if you want the Reader's Digest version, it was awesome.
Shauna and I leave for Washington, DC tonight to visit her brother Bill, and then we're off to Italy! We'll be cut off from cell phone access and I don't fathom that there will be a lot of WiFi, so...
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