CoolestFamilyEver Blog

For Frank (With Apologies to Shauna) 1

For Frank (With Apologies to Shauna)

So I got tagged for an Internet meme, and the only thing I can think of is something my wife has said before: Thing #Only: I don't do these things. Sorry Frank. I've just never been into them.

Conversation today with the receptionist at work 12

Conversation today with the receptionist at work

"Who's "we"… are you married or something?" "Yeah, haven't you met my husband, Jesse? He's been in here a couple of times." "That's SO weird! I just assumed you were single!" "Why?" "You always look so fashionable and have your...

We'll miss you, President Hinckley 2

We'll miss you, President Hinckley

Shauna and I were playing board games with some friends when the news of President Hinckley's passing arrived through the grapevine. Having been baptized when I was 19, he's the only prophet that I've ever known. It makes this particular...

A Sign From the Lord About Your Future (Or: Some really good crazy) 9

A Sign From the Lord About Your Future (Or: Some really good crazy)

Tonight we received a super fun chain letter from some serious crazy-heads. Behold:

I'm looking forward to my vat of wine 2

I'm looking forward to my vat of wine

As seen on the rebate form for the awesome new Kitchen-Aid mixer I got for Christmas:

Remember the Basics 2

Remember the Basics

Last night I managed to blow out the computer speakers and the attached headphones. For some odd reason I keep on building these big static charges and when I brushed up against the headphone clip, ZAP, $500+ worth of sound...

Jerry Springer on Our Block 2

Jerry Springer on Our Block

There's sometimes a reason that Shauna calls our township "White Trash City". This morning, we both woke up to the sounds of yelling outside the house. I wasn't very amused given that it was 3:45AM, so I popped my head...

What We've Been Up To (or, Why We're Social Hermits These Days) 6

What We've Been Up To (or, Why We're Social Hermits These Days)

We’ve been terrible at socializing over the last couple of months. We missed parties, we don’t call or e-mail and we even skipped our normal New Year’s Eve gala this year. You can probably guess some of the more obvious...

Pictures from Italy, Round 2: Florence 3

Pictures from Italy, Round 2: Florence

The pictures from Florence are now up! I promise I'll add captions as time and motivation permit. In the meantime, check out the new gallery.