For Frank (With Apologies to Shauna)
So I got tagged for an Internet meme, and the only thing I can think of is something my wife has said before: Thing #Only: I don't do these things. Sorry Frank. I've just never been into them.
The Story of Us.
So I got tagged for an Internet meme, and the only thing I can think of is something my wife has said before: Thing #Only: I don't do these things. Sorry Frank. I've just never been into them.
"Who's "we"… are you married or something?" "Yeah, haven't you met my husband, Jesse? He's been in here a couple of times." "That's SO weird! I just assumed you were single!" "Why?" "You always look so fashionable and have your...
Shauna and I were playing board games with some friends when the news of President Hinckley's passing arrived through the grapevine. Having been baptized when I was 19, he's the only prophet that I've ever known. It makes this particular...
Tonight we received a super fun chain letter from some serious crazy-heads. Behold:
As seen on the rebate form for the awesome new Kitchen-Aid mixer I got for Christmas:
Last night I managed to blow out the computer speakers and the attached headphones. For some odd reason I keep on building these big static charges and when I brushed up against the headphone clip, ZAP, $500+ worth of sound...
There's sometimes a reason that Shauna calls our township "White Trash City". This morning, we both woke up to the sounds of yelling outside the house. I wasn't very amused given that it was 3:45AM, so I popped my head...
We’ve been terrible at socializing over the last couple of months. We missed parties, we don’t call or e-mail and we even skipped our normal New Year’s Eve gala this year. You can probably guess some of the more obvious...
The pictures from Florence are now up! I promise I'll add captions as time and motivation permit. In the meantime, check out the new gallery.
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