CoolestFamilyEver Blog

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-26 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-26

@windley Given how cheap RAM is, there really isn’t an excuse to NOT have 8GB anymore. Other than OS support. in reply to windley # I feel GREAT! Went to bed at 8P, kid didn’t wake up until 3:30AM, went...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-25 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-25

Your time is not worth more than my time. Lack of preparation and effort on your part is not an emergency on my part. # @ryanaswift We’re gonna be in Sac from this Saturday through April 12. We’d love to...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-24 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-24

@jennythegreat It’s been sooo long since the Doctor was on the Vegas airwaves. A real shame too. in reply to jennythegreat # My sinuses feel like they’re going to explode snot all over my keyboard. This is a sucky day...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-23 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-23

@marshallUtah You obviously haven’t worked with real union policies. Stuff like “double time on Saturday during the 3rd full moon” stuff. in reply to marshallUtah # I think I have a cold. I hope I don’t give it to Liam....

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-22 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-22

Doing ward bldg cleanup. On kitchen duty. It’s revoltingly filthy. Don’t think I’ll eat at ward functions for a while. # “Can’t legislate morality” is a lie. Law is nothing but codified morality. # Had the kid all day. He...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-21 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-21

SCORE! Breakfast today is build your own bagel sandwiches. Just like I wanted. # Me: Have you already verified that the customer isn’t using hallucinogens? Tech: He mentioned crack cocaine, but I thought he was kidding. # @triplej2676 Mine works...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-20 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-20

IE8 will be loosed upon the world in 35 minutes. Heaven help us all. # @triplej2676 So do I, but our customers are kind of locked into it. And some of them are early adopters. in reply to triplej2676 #...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-19 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-19

A zealot is someone who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject. # Every now and than, you’ve got to have a Crown Burger for lunch. # Dear customers, I am not your IT staff. I will not...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-18 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-18

Woohoo! Grandcentral upgraded me to Google Voice! # @SurePayroll So far so good. It’ll be more useful once I have my contacts from my Moto Q9 synced to it. in reply to SurePayroll # So… I want to use ActiveSync...