CoolestFamilyEver Blog

I tried to have an interesting life for a week and lived to tell about it 3

I tried to have an interesting life for a week and lived to tell about it

See? Weekly blogging. ‘Twas a good week. Both in terms of sticking to my aforementioned new goals AND in general. Amazing how that sort of goes together, eh? I reconnected the CRAP out of people. I went from basically not...

Taking back the blog 4

Taking back the blog

Remember me, Internet? I used to post here sometimes. I’ve decided that it’s high time I start again. I thought about rambling on about what I thought happened to my blogging habit, but when it comes right down to it,...

The Banana Puke Incident 2

The Banana Puke Incident

Anyone who knows Shauna knows that she hates bananas. I don’t mean in the “yuck” sense, but rather in the “fiery hot passion of a thousand suns” sense. We’re not allowed to have bananas in the house because the smell...

Gardening 2009: The Planting 0

Gardening 2009: The Planting

I’ve spent all week doing really extensive work on our little garden. Last year, we grew about 9 quarts of strawberries and more tomatoes than we knew what to do with. (Who am I kidding? I ate ’em with a...

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-01 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-01

Had to make a call to Bermuda. Instead of paying Sprint $1.49/min, I used the free balance in Google Voice at $0.09/min. WIN! # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-31 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-31

I’m telecommuting from Sacramento. I love my job. # Jack Thompson has zero credibility. Why anyone would want to be on the same side as him is well beyond me. # Just upgraded Eve on my laptop and found that...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-30 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-30

We went to a great baby blessing, broke the fast with good food, then played fat dog all day. It was awesome. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-29 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-29

Just got on I-15. Sacramento, here we come. # @cboyack That doesn’t even include the 4+ hours in front of other screens. # Approaching Wendover. Liam is doing quite well for his first road trip. # Just made it to...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-28 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-28

We crunched numbers and it looks like we can make things work with the severance. I’ll work some OT and sell my plasma (seriously). # @triplej2676 That’s why I use a send delay in Outlook. It’s also saved me from...

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-27 0

Twitter Updates for 2009-03-27

Ask and thou shalt receive. I asked for overtime, I get a 20+ hour database rebuild. God gives you what you need, sometimes in strange ways. # Most of my cold symptoms are gone, but I can’t shake this cough....