CoolestFamilyEver Blog

Some Thoughts After Conan's Departure 2

Some Thoughts After Conan's Departure

Like 7 million other people (literally), I tuned in to watch Conan’s final episode of The Tonight Show last night. I even re-watched it this morning on Hulu because it was that good. If you don’t have the time to...

An Open Letter to NBC 1

An Open Letter to NBC

Dear NBC, Look, guys, I know you can’t help but screw up, but you’ve pretty much put the icing on the cake now. It’s not very surprising, though. You made Heroes suck for two seasons after a mind-blowing premier and...

Yahoo Has Been Baninated 0

Yahoo Has Been Baninated

Due to a crawler that thinks sending hundreds of requests at a time is an acceptable practice, something that effectively results in a denial of service attack on the web server, Yahoo’s crawler has hereby been completely and totally banned...

There's no place like home for the holidays 0

There's no place like home for the holidays

For Christmas, Shauna and I took Liam to Alabama to meet my side of the extended family. All of my living grandparents and most of my aunts and uncles (as well as both cousins) live within the state, so it...

Thanksgiving Hangover Recipe: Turkey Noodle Soup 2

Thanksgiving Hangover Recipe: Turkey Noodle Soup

The best part of a roasted poultry is the inevitable soup you can make with the carcass. A lot of people get intimidated by making a soup, but it’s one of the easiest things you can do. If you can...

Thanksgiving Hangover Recipe: Thanksgiving Leftovers Casserole 0

Thanksgiving Hangover Recipe: Thanksgiving Leftovers Casserole

We hosted Thanksgiving this year and I was put in charge of my very first turkey. Thanks to sage advice from the guru of Good Eats, Alton Brown, it was a great success thanks to a good overnight brine and...

Ready, set… boredom (PLUS, a shameless plug) 7

Ready, set… boredom (PLUS, a shameless plug)

So tonight was my first night “out on the floor” as they say in cosmetology school. Out of the classroom, and into the salon where I will now perform a variety of heavily supervised services on brave individuals too cheap...

Beantown or bust 7

Beantown or bust

Well, folks, it looks like we’re going to be going to Boston after all. I got a call from the hand surgeon at Children’s Hospital Boston yesterday. It was so nice to talk to someone who seems to know what...

Roll Your Own Baby Food 2

Roll Your Own Baby Food

We’ve been kind of lazy parents. When it came time to get Liam started on solids, we reached for the Gerber instead of the Vitamix. It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the convenience, but homemade baby food isn’t...

Windows 7: My First Impressions 0

Windows 7: My First Impressions

I have to admit, I was excited about Windows 7 from the get-go. I downloaded the Beta and Release Candidate and played with both, but not really that in-depth. Still, it was enough to get me convinced that it was...