Category: Website

For Frank (With Apologies to Shauna) 1

For Frank (With Apologies to Shauna)

So I got tagged for an Internet meme, and the only thing I can think of is something my wife has said before: Thing #Only: I don't do these things. Sorry Frank. I've just never been into them.

Pictures from Italy, Round 2: Florence 3

Pictures from Italy, Round 2: Florence

The pictures from Florence are now up! I promise I'll add captions as time and motivation permit. In the meantime, check out the new gallery.

Pictures from Italy, Round 1: Venice 2

Pictures from Italy, Round 1: Venice

Yes, yes. I know we've been remiss in sharing tales of foreign lands and awesome foods. I've been working on the trip log since we got back (when time presents itself) and I promise to have it done by New...

Hiatus (Or, we'll be in Italy) 6

Hiatus (Or, we'll be in Italy)

Shauna and I leave for Washington, DC tonight to visit her brother Bill, and then we're off to Italy! We'll be cut off from cell phone access and I don't fathom that there will be a lot of WiFi, so...

A Year of Blogging 17

A Year of Blogging

As of August 9th, this little blog has been going for a year. Since then, we've built up from nothing to over 1500 unique visitors dropping by over 4200 times a month, moved from a dinky secondhand server on our...

Website Updates: Subscribe to Comments, Related Posts, and Behind the Scenes Stuff 3

Website Updates: Subscribe to Comments, Related Posts, and Behind the Scenes Stuff

I've added a few new features over the last few weeks that I hope will prove helpful in finding nifty stuff on our site and participating more fully. For about two weeks now, I've had the Subscribe to Comments plugin...

Thread on Food Stamps Now Most Popular 5

Thread on Food Stamps Now Most Popular

With the flood of back-and-forth between the two of us and Dean Calbreath, another journalist that doesn't like John Dougall, the debate about the Week on Food Stamps Challenge has reached 18 comments and climbing. He's asserting that it's near...

I have a Honeypot and I'm not afraid to use it. 2

I have a Honeypot and I'm not afraid to use it.

Spammers, harvesters and other ne'er-do-wells, beware: That's right, you're On Notice now.

Highly disturbing 6

Highly disturbing

On our list of top 20 search terms used to find our website this month? Strawberry Pie Porn What's even more disturbing to me is that upon finding our website on Google after searching for Strawberry Pie Porn, the sicko...