Why and How to De-Google Your Blog
As part of the blog clean-up, I spent a fair amount of time cleaning up plugins and figuring out what I really want my little corner of the Interwebs to do. My mission with bringing blogging back is to own...
The Story of Us.
As part of the blog clean-up, I spent a fair amount of time cleaning up plugins and figuring out what I really want my little corner of the Interwebs to do. My mission with bringing blogging back is to own...
It was way overdue, but the blog has gotten a few facelifts and important changes to be aware of. First off, yes, that’s a brand new theme. The old one was not only quite stale, but it was starting to...
Due to a crawler that thinks sending hundreds of requests at a time is an acceptable practice, something that effectively results in a denial of service attack on the web server, Yahoo’s crawler has hereby been completely and totally banned...
Just a note that the feeds have been updated to use FeedBurner from this point forward. If you have a problem getting updates from the feed, let me know.
Remember me, Internet? I used to post here sometimes. I’ve decided that it’s high time I start again. I thought about rambling on about what I thought happened to my blogging habit, but when it comes right down to it,...
It took a while for me to get around to it, but I finally updated the website to the latest version of WordPress. I was pretty scared to since the ANIga Gallery plugin we use supposedly breaks on the latest...
I just uploaded a bunch of family pictures and other random stuff and neglected to mention some time ago that Shauna uploaded a bunch of Liam's ultrasound pictures. Go to the photo gallery and check them out.
The short version is that the hosting company had a problem that caused the webserver part to barf. If you want to read the long version, click through to the rest of the story.
You may have noticed a few extra boxes over on the right for Sponsored Links and an offer to buy advertising. It's true: a year after we thought about it, we're sellouts. Don't worry: I don't feel any particular obligation...
I'm ashamed to admit that our website is powered by really ancient software. WordPress 2.1.3 was released way back when we did our server move about a year ago and it has kept our site chugging along ever since. Recently,...
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