Category: Utah

I Want Your Vote 4

I Want Your Vote

Betcha didn't know I was even running for something, huh? Bradley Ross, the guy who runs the Bloghive, has decided to form an advisory board to help steer it and provide some input on operations. I accepted a nomination to...

More Mark Towner Spam: Is He Violating His Own Restraining Order Against Mike Ridgeway? 4

More Mark Towner Spam: Is He Violating His Own Restraining Order Against Mike Ridgeway?

Due to being out of the country and almost immediately into the hospital, I haven't had a chance to write about the latest blast of spam coming from Utah's least favorite pirate captain. The following arrived on November 14 (twice,...

To Fellow Voucher Supporters 25

To Fellow Voucher Supporters

We lost. You know what makes it worse? We deserved it. We deserve the gloating and victory dancing from the opponents. Why? Because we let PCE run a filthy low-brow campaign and we didn't do anything to stop it. So...

Did Mark Towner Forge an E-mail From George Will? 24

Did Mark Towner Forge an E-mail From George Will?

As the magic 8-ball would say, "all signs point to yes". An e-mail just showed up in my inbox (and probably in many of your inboxes) with a From address of [email protected]. It contained a verbatim cut-and-paste of his recent...

Voucher Math, Part 2 5

Voucher Math, Part 2

The number crunching done in the last Voucher Math post really helped me see how big of a difference the switch rate can be even with just minor changes. What I was hoping to establish is the need to replace...

Voucher Math 19

Voucher Math

One of the biggest controversies surrounding the whole voucher program is cost. Depending on who you talk to, the program with either save a ton or cost a ton with little room left in the middle. One of the big...

Salt Lake City Council Candidate Luke Garrott Ends Up Sending Spam 4

Salt Lake City Council Candidate Luke Garrott Ends Up Sending Spam

Seems that the spam news in Utah is all over the place these days. I got the following in my inbox this morning:

It All Comes Together: Mark Towner Was Hired by PCE, Probably to Send Spam 8

It All Comes Together: Mark Towner Was Hired by PCE, Probably to Send Spam

With the excellent detective work from around the bloghive (hat tips to Bob Aagard, Mata Hari (twice!), Utah Conservative and a shall-remain-nameless e-mailer), the picture has become clear: Mark Towner sent the now-infamous "Voucher News" e-mail AND has been paid...

More Mark Towner Oddities 4

More Mark Towner Oddities

Witness the following: Why would (no S at the end) have a directory on it named thespyglass? And isn't a funny coincidence that the e-mail originated from, the same site that services Mark's e-mail address? Something in...

Was Mark Towner Behind the Voucher News E-mail? 2

Was Mark Towner Behind the Voucher News E-mail?

That depends on who you talk to. It seems that a fair number of Utah bloggers (like Marshall over at Wasatch Watcher) believe it to be so. The Deseret News reported on the deceptive spam e-mail in today's edition. What's...