A Winner Is You
"Free is a very competitive price." That's been one of my catchphrases for a while now and rare are the occasions where it isn't true. This past week proved it in spades. I travel quite a bit for work and...
The Story of Us.
"Free is a very competitive price." That's been one of my catchphrases for a while now and rare are the occasions where it isn't true. This past week proved it in spades. I travel quite a bit for work and...
I think that flying is meant to be uncomfortable by design. You cram 150+ strangers into a metal tube with recirculated air and barely enough room to shift in your seat, hoping that nothing goes wrong at you soar through...
I know, Mother's Day was 2 weeks ago. Shauna had to do quite a bit of touch-up to get these ready for primetime, and her Photoshop skills far outweigh mine. Go check out the new album for yourself for lots...
Shauna and I spent the weekend in Las Vegas to celebrate our third anniversary (go us!) and had a blast. We stayed at the Venetian (A++ would stay again), ate at some awesome restaurants and saw these guys: Holy. Crap....
I know, it's been like a month since I got back from the Great White North. That doesn't mean I can't share some good eats of Canada, right? It was really cold and gray up there in January. The temps...
The pictures from Florence are now up! I promise I'll add captions as time and motivation permit. In the meantime, check out the new gallery.
Yes, yes. I know we've been remiss in sharing tales of foreign lands and awesome foods. I've been working on the trip log since we got back (when time presents itself) and I promise to have it done by New...
The Midwest solidly earned its reputation for harsh winters. After just a few days in Iowa, I can see that Utahns have it rather easy. We usually don’t have that kind of cold until mid-January and only for a few...
It's 16ºF here. There's supposed to be 4 inches of snow tomorrow. I think I picked the wrong place for a on-site.
Just a quick update that we're back from Italy. We'll be posting pictures and other stuff once we're not so stinking tired. And if you want the Reader's Digest version, it was awesome.
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