Category: Tender Lumplings

Unintentional Hilarity in Google Searches 3

Unintentional Hilarity in Google Searches

I'm pretty sure Google doesn't mean to make some suggestions to the Humane Society, but… See the original search results here. 

A Conversation While Channel-Surfing Tonight 1

A Conversation While Channel-Surfing Tonight

Shauna: "So… wanna watch American Idol?" Me: "No, because I don't want to hear another person talking about David Archuleta." Shauna: "Who's David Archuleta?" Me: "I wish I could say that." 

As Overheard Today in Sacrament Meeting 3

As Overheard Today in Sacrament Meeting

Shauna: "What's a 'family mission plan'?" Me: "I dunno. Having kids far enough apart that you can afford to pay for them?"

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital 5

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital

Me: "I was really looking forward to eating dinner tonight" Shauna: "If it makes you feel better, I haven't eaten either." Me: "Why would that make me feel better? 'Oh boy, you're hungry too'?" Stupid abdominal pains. More to follow...

This is the Way We (Rick)Roll 4

This is the Way We (Rick)Roll

As further proof in the power of the Interweb, online pranksters managed to Rickroll the New York Mets. Don't know what a Rickroll is? The Wiki can tell you more. Or you can go to Youtube and see a Rickroll...

Great Program; Too Bad I Can't Participate 1

Great Program; Too Bad I Can't Participate

About once a month during the spring, summer and fall, Rocky Mountain Power sends us a letter asking us to participate in their Cool Keeper program. The idea is that they hook a little box up to your air conditioner...

And Now Some Good Funny 4

And Now Some Good Funny

Funny #1: If you're dumb enough to try and ransom somebody's stolen XBox 360, you probably shouldn't use your personal XBox Live account that enables them to post the story on their blog and have the entire freaking Interweb track...

I bet this question has been weighing heavily on you 10

I bet this question has been weighing heavily on you

Know what's grosser than finding that your dog has chewed up a tampon and strewn the fluffy cotton contents all over your yard?

Social Blunder #11 8

Social Blunder #11

Outside of apocalyptic starvation, there are absolutely no conditions under which it is okay to reheat fish in the break room microwave. Even fish lovers like me don't like the smell.