Category: Pictures

I bet this question has been weighing heavily on you 10

I bet this question has been weighing heavily on you

Know what's grosser than finding that your dog has chewed up a tampon and strewn the fluffy cotton contents all over your yard?

Recipe: Blueberry Cornmeal Pancakes 1

Recipe: Blueberry Cornmeal Pancakes

Just got this great recipe out of Cuisine magazine and we tried it out this weekend. The cornmeal gives these pancakes great texture while folding beaten egg whites into the batter helps keep the pancakes from getting heavy. Top it...

Be Kind, Rewind 0

Be Kind, Rewind

Jesse and I saw this movie tonight after driving all the way to West Jordan to get a hose for our new dishwasher only to find out that Sears doesn't actually carry them. So what do you do at 10pm...

Recipe: Chocolate Meringue Bars (and a special way to find new recipes) 2

Recipe: Chocolate Meringue Bars (and a special way to find new recipes)

I know, I know. It's been a really long time since we've let any of you in on the new food we've made. The dry spell ends tonight! Last night, we were tasked with bringing a dessert for dinner at...

I'm looking forward to my vat of wine 2

I'm looking forward to my vat of wine

As seen on the rebate form for the awesome new Kitchen-Aid mixer I got for Christmas:

Pictures from Italy, Round 2: Florence 3

Pictures from Italy, Round 2: Florence

The pictures from Florence are now up! I promise I'll add captions as time and motivation permit. In the meantime, check out the new gallery.

Pictures from Italy, Round 1: Venice 2

Pictures from Italy, Round 1: Venice

Yes, yes. I know we've been remiss in sharing tales of foreign lands and awesome foods. I've been working on the trip log since we got back (when time presents itself) and I promise to have it done by New...

Four-Dog Night 5

Four-Dog Night

We had some adventures in dog-sitting over the weekend. Our friends Bobbie and Jeremy went to Disneyland with the fam and were left without a dogsitter, so we volunteered to watch their Jack Russell Terrier (Daisy) and bichon (Max). Max...