Category: Pictures
Nathan, I love your guts (even though they suck)
If you’re on Facebook and don’t have me hidden or anything, you probably already know that last week Nathan went in for an endoscopy/colonoscopy to try to get to the bottom of some chronic GI issues. I finally got a...
Liam’s New Room (Or: The Room of Insane Awesomeness)
Peeps, I am super proud of Liam’s new room. If you’ve been over to our house any time recently, you know this since the first thing I do whenever anyone comes over is squeal, “Come see Liam’s awesome new room...
Liam’s Macrodactyly
So I mentioned the appointment with Liam’s surgeon the other day, but it occurs to me that I’ve never really talked about Liam’s hand on this blog before. And I know that when we got Liam’s diagnosis, I would have...
Because I've been doing so well at the weekly blogging
It turns out that it’s that blogging month thing. You know… where you’re supposed to blog once a day for the whole month? I’m not making any promises or anything, but I thought it’d be cool to at least give...
Recipe: Pork Chops with Chipotle Cream Sauce
I defrosted a package of pork chops for dinner on Sunday without any sort of real plan as to what to do with them. They were fine specimens: thick-cut to about an inch and a quarter with just enough fat...
I can now wax the crap out of your eyebrows.
Started school last week, peeps. Because I’m a COMPLETE dork that way, I even had Jesse take a picture on the first day of school:
I tried to have an interesting life for a week and lived to tell about it
See? Weekly blogging. ‘Twas a good week. Both in terms of sticking to my aforementioned new goals AND in general. Amazing how that sort of goes together, eh? I reconnected the CRAP out of people. I went from basically not...
Taking back the blog
Remember me, Internet? I used to post here sometimes. I’ve decided that it’s high time I start again. I thought about rambling on about what I thought happened to my blogging habit, but when it comes right down to it,...
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