Category: Nathan
Letting babies decide the best way to eat
We’ve been working on solid foods with Nathan and he’s been taking to it much better than Liam ever did. (In some ways, he’s well beyond his older brother on that front.) Tonight I decided to let him finish off...
There’s a niche for everything (and competition for it too)
Nathan was being kind of a pill about going to sleep tonight (it took the both of us about three hours to get him to zonk out) and one of the weapons we (and by “we” I mean Shauna) tried...
Hitting the Newborn Jackpot
To say that our first newborn experience was stressful would be a bit of an understatement. As much as we love our little Martian, he was a handful as an infant. He wouldn’t breastfeed, he was constantly puking up what...
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