Category: Life

Everyone, meet my new dietician: 14

Everyone, meet my new dietician:

She's an emaciated sadistic little witch. And I wouldn't go back there if you paid me. Unless you were paying me to snap the little twig in half. So seriously. I was really excited about my appointment with this dietician...

This city don't love me no more. 4

This city don't love me no more.

Shauna and I took a trip down to Vegas this past weekend to celebrate both her birthday and my mom's birthday. (For those that don't know, my mom and dad both live in Vegas.) I hadn't been there since probably...

Luau! 4


We went to a ward luau last night (yes, with a whole roasted pig), and this was the only thing I could think of. By the way, it took about 20 minutes to figure out how to make the...

Take me out to the ballgame… 6

Take me out to the ballgame…

Reflecting on the list of things we were planning on doing this weekend, I'd have to say we fell a bit short. We didn't go see Invincible. I didn't mow the yard or pull weeds. We didn't even get out...

Absolutely Not!! (Or: The triumphant return of The Rock) 9

Absolutely Not!! (Or: The triumphant return of The Rock)

Some of you may remember how I totally wussed out the other day whilst attempting to cancel my milk delivery service from Winder Dairy . I just wanted you all to know that the situation has been rectified. The impossible-to-budge...

All dressed up with nowhere to go. 6

All dressed up with nowhere to go.

It's official: I'm an old man. I realized that when I looked at the calendar, saw the extra day off and thought "gee, I could use that time to get a lot done around the house." Good gravy, I'm 25...