Category: Life

The Importance of Shopping Around 2

The Importance of Shopping Around

Shauna and I have been talking about a new bed and bedroom set for a really long time. Our current bed is sagging quite a bit (both in the mattress and boxspring) and I’ve been using a TV tray as...

Quit Egging Us On 4

Quit Egging Us On

For the last couple of weeks, we've had the pleasure of playing host to Sara and her wonderful kids Max and Corina. This recent trip started off kind of bumpy when they experienced a blowout around Lagoon in the middle...

The Power of Forgiveness 4

The Power of Forgiveness

When I left Las Vegas for a new life in Utah, I also left behind several friends. Just prior to moving, I'd had a falling out with one of them that bordered on epic. Since we both had mutual friends...

To Kill a Mocking Bird 17

To Kill a Mocking Bird

About two months ago, some new neighbors moved into a house just a few doors away from us. Like a lot of families, they brought pets with them. Unlike a lot of families, those pets were just under a dozen...

Jerry Springer on Our Block 2

Jerry Springer on Our Block

There's sometimes a reason that Shauna calls our township "White Trash City". This morning, we both woke up to the sounds of yelling outside the house. I wasn't very amused given that it was 3:45AM, so I popped my head...

What We've Been Up To (or, Why We're Social Hermits These Days) 6

What We've Been Up To (or, Why We're Social Hermits These Days)

We’ve been terrible at socializing over the last couple of months. We missed parties, we don’t call or e-mail and we even skipped our normal New Year’s Eve gala this year. You can probably guess some of the more obvious...

We're home. Things are good. 5

We're home. Things are good.

Just a quickie to let everyone know that we got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Shauna's been sleepy (oxycodone/Percoset will do that) but we've had a few welcomed visitors over today. Anyone looking to do well-wishing should drop by...

Update on Shauna's Condition 9

Update on Shauna's Condition

The good news is that she's doing okay so far. She's still in a bit of pain, but she's alert and coherent despite the various painkillers she's been taken. Here's the deal on what went down.

A Perfectly Valid Reason to Still Be Up at 5AM 6

A Perfectly Valid Reason to Still Be Up at 5AM

Appendicitis. More specifically, Shauna's sitting in St. Mark's Hospital (room 9 in the emergency room if you're interested) with a "gnarly-looking" (quote from the doctor) hunk of everyone's favorite vestigial organ. She's going to have it taken out tomorrow (today?)...