Category: Life


A Uhaul Leap of Faith

Two years ago today, we packed the family into the car and drove to a new home (albeit temporary) in Cedar City. We hadn’t sold our house in Sandy, but we had already contact Bournemouth Prop to assist us with...

A one car family, revisited 1

A one car family, revisited

Some time ago, we thought about maybe going down to one car. We decided against it since I was working in an office and Shauna would still need to go places with the kids. You can get many tips about...

Nathan and Early Intervention 9

Nathan and Early Intervention

I hate divulging deeply personal thoughts and feelings in such a decidedly UN-personal forum, but I also don’t want to have this conversation a thousand times either, so I need to put this out there. I’ve written on Facebook about...

Letting babies decide the best way to eat 2

Letting babies decide the best way to eat

We’ve been working on solid foods with Nathan and he’s been taking to it much better than Liam ever did. (In some ways, he’s well beyond his older brother on that front.) Tonight I decided to let him finish off...

I love it when a plan comes together 8

I love it when a plan comes together

For a long time now, I’ve wondered why God sent Liam to me. Not in a “why me?”, feeling-sorry-for-myself kind of way, but I wonder constantly what makes me uniquely qualified to be Liam’s mother because I believe the children...

A Rare Opportunity 4

A Rare Opportunity

My previous job had a rather lax dress code. I showed up every day in jeans and a collared shirt, but I could have just as well been dressed to go to the park. I was kind of done with...

Finding Space for our Dogs 1

Finding Space for our Dogs

Ever since we had Liam, we’ve had a vexing problem on our hands: our dogs. As soon as he came around, our ability to pay attention to them dropped pretty significantly. A new baby is a lot of work, especially...

A one-car family? 6

A one-car family?

I feel sorry for our sedan. See, it’s been sitting unused for almost a month now. Aside from moving it from the driveway to the street for our garage sale, then back into the driveway, it hasn’t moved. No, nothing...

Doing With Less 2

Doing With Less

When you take a moment to actually assess which of the things you own you actually use, you’ll find that you don’t use a surprising amount of it. Often, you won’t be able to remember the last time you did...

And suddenly, I feel the need to leave the 'burbs 5

And suddenly, I feel the need to leave the 'burbs

We’ve been living out in the suburbia of Sandy for almost 5 years now. During that time, I always thought that we had a pretty good thing going, an affordable house on a relatively large lot with a short drive...