Category: Liam

Liam’s Macrodactyly 80

Liam’s Macrodactyly

So I mentioned the appointment with Liam’s surgeon the other day, but it occurs to me that I’ve never really talked about Liam’s hand on this blog before. And I know that when we got Liam’s diagnosis, I would have...

Because I've been doing so well at the weekly blogging 2

Because I've been doing so well at the weekly blogging

It turns out that it’s that blogging month thing. You know… where you’re supposed to blog once a day for the whole month? I’m not making any promises or anything, but I thought it’d be cool to at least give...

I can now wax the crap out of your eyebrows. 2

I can now wax the crap out of your eyebrows.

Started school last week, peeps. Because I’m a COMPLETE dork that way, I even had Jesse take a picture on the first day of school:

I tried to have an interesting life for a week and lived to tell about it 3

I tried to have an interesting life for a week and lived to tell about it

See? Weekly blogging. ‘Twas a good week. Both in terms of sticking to my aforementioned new goals AND in general. Amazing how that sort of goes together, eh? I reconnected the CRAP out of people. I went from basically not...

The Banana Puke Incident 2

The Banana Puke Incident

Anyone who knows Shauna knows that she hates bananas. I don’t mean in the “yuck” sense, but rather in the “fiery hot passion of a thousand suns” sense. We’re not allowed to have bananas in the house because the smell...

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend 4

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

Back in September of 2000, I had just finished pouring an entirely unreasonable amount of money into the worst car I had ever owned, a 1994 Mercury Sable. Despite feeding it a steady diet of Benjamins, the car refused to...

Adventures in Parenthood: Vol. 1, Part 1 1

Adventures in Parenthood: Vol. 1, Part 1

I always felt ill-prepared for parenthood. I only have one sibling and never really helped raise babies. What I knew about kids would fit into a thimble. Sure, I like kids. I get along great with nephews and neices. But...

Everyone, Meet Liam 10

Everyone, Meet Liam

William Fox Harris was born today at 9:26AM at 7 lbs, 11 oz and 20 inches. You can check out more pictures in the new gallery.