Category: Homeownership

My rug is not dead yet. 3

My rug is not dead yet.

In fact, I think I heard it say it might go for a walk later.

Sprinkler Woes 1

Sprinkler Woes

Yesterday afternoon, I set out with a shovel to find out which one of the irrigation pipes it was that had decided to go plooie. It only took having the irrigation lines on for about five minutes before it became...

Did you know that we're gardeners now? We garden? 10

Did you know that we're gardeners now? We garden?

Outside in the dirt in the ground? With the wind and the sky and everything? We garden! Isn't it beautiful? That's what 50 newly planted strawberry plants look like. You're all invited for strawberry shortcake this summer. The kit included...

It's about time the groundhog did his part. 5

It's about time the groundhog did his part.

Yesterday marked the true first sign of spring. No, I’m not talking about sunny skies and chirping birds. I’m talking about busting out the grill and doing some manly cooking over open flame. Yes, I broke out the BBQ for...

Don't try this at home. 6

Don't try this at home.

Last night, Shauna and I were baffled by a lack of water pressure throughout the house. Fearing the worst, I ran downstairs to check the main only to find no sign of leaks. I couldn't find any obvious sources of...

Happy *cough* Christmas. 1

Happy *cough* Christmas.

Shauna was too excited to keep on sleeping after we woke up around 2:30AM this morning, so I suggested we go downstairs, get a fire started in the fireplace, and kick back on the Lovesac. Part of getting a fire...

And then there's the good stuff. 10

And then there's the good stuff.

Putting up Christmas lights on your own house for the first time. There's something a little magical about that. And every time I drive up to my house and see the lights, it reminds me a little bit of how...

Open it yourself, pup. 7

Open it yourself, pup.

I've been on a home improvement kick again. Last night, I decided to get moving on some projects I'd been putting off for some time. Of course, I decide to start with the most time-consuming one first: installing a doggie...

Shauna says we have to burn the house down now… 12

Shauna says we have to burn the house down now…

Shauna has always threatened various reasons for which we’d have to grab the lawnmower’s gas and turn the house into a pile of ashes. Most of them were dealing with the disrepair of various parts of our house (roof, swamp...

I Win! 2

I Win!

Can I get a "w00t" up in here? Last night completed the saga of Swamp Cooler Guy. I'd thought my complaint to the BBB would go ignored (just like my voice mails), so I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when Shauna...