Category: Health

Waiting 2


We’ve been sitting in the waiting area for almost three hours now. Liam’s been going through his surgery and we’ve been doing anything we can to distract ourselves. It’s the longest wait imaginable. I don’t know how the parents here...

Liam's Hand Surgery 0

Liam's Hand Surgery

A lot of people are asking about it, so I thought maybe I should just get it written down in one spot so I stop having to repeat myself. Liam’s hand surgery has been scheduled for April 28 at Children’s...

I tried to have an interesting life for a week and lived to tell about it 3

I tried to have an interesting life for a week and lived to tell about it

See? Weekly blogging. ‘Twas a good week. Both in terms of sticking to my aforementioned new goals AND in general. Amazing how that sort of goes together, eh? I reconnected the CRAP out of people. I went from basically not...

Everyone, Meet Liam 10

Everyone, Meet Liam

William Fox Harris was born today at 9:26AM at 7 lbs, 11 oz and 20 inches. You can check out more pictures in the new gallery.

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital 5

As Overheard Tonight On the Way to the Hospital

Me: "I was really looking forward to eating dinner tonight" Shauna: "If it makes you feel better, I haven't eaten either." Me: "Why would that make me feel better? 'Oh boy, you're hungry too'?" Stupid abdominal pains. More to follow...

We're home. Things are good. 5

We're home. Things are good.

Just a quickie to let everyone know that we got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Shauna's been sleepy (oxycodone/Percoset will do that) but we've had a few welcomed visitors over today. Anyone looking to do well-wishing should drop by...

Update on Shauna's Condition 9

Update on Shauna's Condition

The good news is that she's doing okay so far. She's still in a bit of pain, but she's alert and coherent despite the various painkillers she's been taken. Here's the deal on what went down.

A Perfectly Valid Reason to Still Be Up at 5AM 6

A Perfectly Valid Reason to Still Be Up at 5AM

Appendicitis. More specifically, Shauna's sitting in St. Mark's Hospital (room 9 in the emergency room if you're interested) with a "gnarly-looking" (quote from the doctor) hunk of everyone's favorite vestigial organ. She's going to have it taken out tomorrow (today?)...

Today, I am an old man. 9

Today, I am an old man.

After months of putting it off (and numerous threats by my mother to send in the flying monkeys), I finally went to the doctor for a general check-up. The good news is that I don't have any obvious maladies and...

Whole Foods is coming to Utah! 3

Whole Foods is coming to Utah!

I can totally get excited about something like this, even if they are going to be way downtown. Wherefore art thou, Trader Joe's?