Category: Liam’s Macrodactyly
For a long time now, I’ve wondered why God sent Liam to me. Not in a “why me?”, feeling-sorry-for-myself kind of way, but I wonder constantly what makes me uniquely qualified to be Liam’s mother because I believe the children...
I know, it’s been two weeks since the surgery. I suck at waiting so long. Here’s the scoop on how it went. Liam’s surgery went very well. Both surgeons were pleased at the outcome. This surgery separated his two joined...
We’ve been sitting in the waiting area for almost three hours now. Liam’s been going through his surgery and we’ve been doing anything we can to distract ourselves. It’s the longest wait imaginable. I don’t know how the parents here...
A lot of people are asking about it, so I thought maybe I should just get it written down in one spot so I stop having to repeat myself. Liam’s hand surgery has been scheduled for April 28 at Children’s...
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