Category: Geek

Prepaid Showdown: T-Mobile vs Cricket 2

Prepaid Showdown: T-Mobile vs Cricket

Once we got relocated to Cedar City, we found a major problem: T-Mobile’s service makes Sprint look good. I suppose this is to be expected. Despite great performance in SLC, Las Vegas, Sacramento, and Boston, getting any kind of usable...

Google just did an end-run around your mobile phone company 3

Google just did an end-run around your mobile phone company

I’ve been a user and fan of Google Voice since it was still GrandCentral. From its humble beginnings of a “phone number for life” to ring your other phones to full desktop calling and texting, it’s been an indispensable product...

You have to take responsibility for your own personal security 1

You have to take responsibility for your own personal security

Friends, let’s have a little chat. Most of you have probably already heard about the iCloud compromise that sent hundreds of nude pictures of female celebrities racing across the Internet (including a few less-than-legal ones snapped before they turned 18). As...


Switching it all: From the HTC Evo 4G LTE on Sprint to the LG Nexus 5 on T-Mobile

After many, many years of loyalty to Sprint, Shauna and I broke ranks and jumped ship to T-Mobile when our contract was up. After just a week of being on a new handset with a new carrier, I can see...

Building a Better Social Network 3

Building a Better Social Network

One of the biggest limitations of using a blog to own your own content is that you more-or-less give up controlling access to your content. Everything is out in the open by default. The workarounds are to either secure individual...

First Impressions of Steam Family Sharing and In-Home Streaming 0

First Impressions of Steam Family Sharing and In-Home Streaming

When Valve announced its Family Sharing and In-Home Streaming features a few months ago, I knew they were on to something big. Not only would I be able to share all of my games with the entire household, I could...

An Autonomous Future 2

An Autonomous Future

Amazon made headlines a few weeks ago by announcing that they want to deliver your orders directly from the warehouse to your door in as little as half an hour using autonomous drones. After a few years of Google successfully...

Google to ObiTalk users: “Drop dead” 2

Google to ObiTalk users: “Drop dead”

It hasn’t been that long since I switched our “home” phone service to using an ObiTalk and it already looks like the rug has been pulled out from under us. Google recently announced that anyone “making unauthorized use of Google...

Your first computer? 1

Your first computer?

Lifehacker asked the interesting question: when did you get your first computer? My “first” depends on your definition. The first computer we had at home was an old Packard Bell purchased in 1989 or 1990. It was a glorious 286...

Some sobering reality on fingerprint readers 0

Some sobering reality on fingerprint readers

Since Apple confirmed the poorly-kept secret that the latest iPhone would have a fingerprint reader, I’ve seen a lot of people state things about the technology that just aren’t so. These ideas are no doubt fueled by the fantasy presented...