The Power of Forgiveness
When I left Las Vegas for a new life in Utah, I also left behind several friends. Just prior to moving, I'd had a falling out with one of them that bordered on epic. Since we both had mutual friends...
The Story of Us.
When I left Las Vegas for a new life in Utah, I also left behind several friends. Just prior to moving, I'd had a falling out with one of them that bordered on epic. Since we both had mutual friends...
In our ward today, the sacrament bread was rye bread. As much as I personally like rye, who thought that was a good idea?
Shauna: "What's a 'family mission plan'?" Me: "I dunno. Having kids far enough apart that you can afford to pay for them?"
The Tribune posted a new article showing that Utahns have the highest rate of ‘serious psychological distress’ of any state, hot on the heels of similar news reported by ABC. It naturally kicked off the normal name-calling and general nastiness...
Shauna and I were playing board games with some friends when the news of President Hinckley's passing arrived through the grapevine. Having been baptized when I was 19, he's the only prophet that I've ever known. It makes this particular...
Tonight we received a super fun chain letter from some serious crazy-heads. Behold:
We’ve been terrible at socializing over the last couple of months. We missed parties, we don’t call or e-mail and we even skipped our normal New Year’s Eve gala this year. You can probably guess some of the more obvious...
You're looking at one of Utah's newest HAM operators. Tonight I took the Technician test and passed without a problem. In a couple of days, I get listed on the FCC database with a shiny new call sign and I...
There's no particular theme other than these thoughts all relate to the October 2007 General Conference.
Many moons ago (a few over 200 to be more exact), I had a teacher who was big-time into HAM radio. I was pretty interested in it from the few times I saw him using one and started studying what...
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