Category: Blogging

Building a Better Social Network 3

Building a Better Social Network

One of the biggest limitations of using a blog to own your own content is that you more-or-less give up controlling access to your content. Everything is out in the open by default. The workarounds are to either secure individual...

Why and How to De-Google Your Blog 2

Why and How to De-Google Your Blog

As part of the blog clean-up, I spent a fair amount of time cleaning up plugins and figuring out what I really want my little corner of the Interwebs to do. My mission with bringing blogging back is to own...

No, Mike, you’re wrong. You shouldn’t blog exclusively on Google+. 0

No, Mike, you’re wrong. You shouldn’t blog exclusively on Google+.

Mike Elgan has written a post on Google+ that the vast majority of bloggers should abandon their standalone blogs and post exclusively on Google_ instead. His argument is centered around the idea that blog comments suck. Given that many people...

Own Your Content (Or, Start Using Your Blog Again) 3

Own Your Content (Or, Start Using Your Blog Again)

Any time Facebook proposes some kind of change to their terms of service, the user base gets whipped into an uproarious frenzy. “How dare they!” a million angry commenters rage, doing a copy/paste of some boilerplate “I still own my...

Live in a Glass House 0

Live in a Glass House

Everything I post on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ is set to be visible to the public. A lot of people would call me nuts for doing this and wonder why I don’t do a “better” job at managing my privacy....

Why Social Score Sites Like Empire Avenue Matter 0

Why Social Score Sites Like Empire Avenue Matter

When I first noticed Empire Avenue, I derisively dismissed it as “Farmville for the Twitter crowd”. It sounded like just another game designed to waste hours of time to meaninglessly raise arbitrary numbers. I had already witnessed (and experienced) the...

Selling Out 3

Selling Out

You may have noticed a few extra boxes over on the right for Sponsored Links and an offer to buy advertising. It's true: a year after we thought about it, we're sellouts. Don't worry: I don't feel any particular obligation...

Upgrading to WordPress 2.5 and Switching E-mail Services 7

Upgrading to WordPress 2.5 and Switching E-mail Services

I'm ashamed to admit that our website is powered by really ancient software. WordPress 2.1.3 was released way back when we did our server move about a year ago and it has kept our site chugging along ever since. Recently,...

A Year of Blogging 17

A Year of Blogging

As of August 9th, this little blog has been going for a year. Since then, we've built up from nothing to over 1500 unique visitors dropping by over 4200 times a month, moved from a dinky secondhand server on our...

Website Updates: Subscribe to Comments, Related Posts, and Behind the Scenes Stuff 3

Website Updates: Subscribe to Comments, Related Posts, and Behind the Scenes Stuff

I've added a few new features over the last few weeks that I hope will prove helpful in finding nifty stuff on our site and participating more fully. For about two weeks now, I've had the Subscribe to Comments plugin...