Author: Jesse

On Picking Fights 0

On Picking Fights

Dear people who keep on trying to put science and religion at odds with each other at every opportunity, Stop. Sincerely, Religious people who think science is pretty darn awesome and don’t intend to change their minds anytime soon. PS...

Privacy, Noise Control, and Facebook’s Inability to Understand Either 1

Privacy, Noise Control, and Facebook’s Inability to Understand Either

I’m a fairly “public” person. I post a lot of things in the public view on teh Interwebs and harbor little expectation of privacy when I do so. I’m also a bit selective as to what I share as a...

Noise Control 2

Noise Control

One of the biggest problems with all social media problems is noise control. You will inevitably end up with a lot of content that just doesn’t appeal to you at all. Despite the various ways that platforms attempt to address...

Google+ Explained (and why I like it better than Facebook) 1

Google+ Explained (and why I like it better than Facebook)

It’s been about two weeks since Google unleashed its latest effort to “get” social networking and I must say that I’m very impressed. After such huge duds like Orkut, Buzz, and Wave, I was beginning to think that The Big...

Why Social Score Sites Like Empire Avenue Matter 0

Why Social Score Sites Like Empire Avenue Matter

When I first noticed Empire Avenue, I derisively dismissed it as “Farmville for the Twitter crowd”. It sounded like just another game designed to waste hours of time to meaninglessly raise arbitrary numbers. I had already witnessed (and experienced) the...

A Rare Opportunity 4

A Rare Opportunity

My previous job had a rather lax dress code. I showed up every day in jeans and a collared shirt, but I could have just as well been dressed to go to the park. I was kind of done with...

Why I Hate Registration (And You Should Too) 2

Why I Hate Registration (And You Should Too)

Every time a website wants me to register a new account, I reflexively tense up and feel my blood pressure rising. Sure, it’s inconvenient, but that’s not why I do it. I do it because using your own registration system...

Lessons Learned from Job Hunting 2

Lessons Learned from Job Hunting

Back in April, I found myself in the ranks of the unemployed. The reasons and causes are, in hindsight, not all that important, but I’ve learned a lot of very valuable lessons in a very short timespan about finding a...

Finding Space for our Dogs 1

Finding Space for our Dogs

Ever since we had Liam, we’ve had a vexing problem on our hands: our dogs. As soon as he came around, our ability to pay attention to them dropped pretty significantly. A new baby is a lot of work, especially...

Amtrak FTW? 7

Amtrak FTW?

My grandmother has been agitating for us to come back out and visit again this year. As you well know, flying has become out of the question, so I spent a bit of time crunching the numbers on both driving...