Author: Jesse

“Please, call me daddy.” 2

“Please, call me daddy.”

Liam has picked up an… interesting new habit. He used to call Shauna and I mommy and daddy like a typical kid. Now he’s decided to call us by our first names since he hears us doing that with each...

A Home Phone Without the Landline 2

A Home Phone Without the Landline

We’ve had some kind of phone beyond our cell phones since, well, forever. At the time, it was a good way to keep from burning through precious and limited cell minutes. Now we’re at a point where cell minutes are...

The Perfect French Fry 2

The Perfect French Fry

Anyone who has ever attempted to make a french fry at home from scratch knows just how difficult it can be. You often end up with fries that are overcooked on the outside, yet somehow more chewy than crispy. Most...

Drop the Box, Drive Away, and Own the Cloud 1

Drop the Box, Drive Away, and Own the Cloud

  I’m still on a kick to try and eliminated hosted services as much as is practicable. I’ve already replaced Google Reader, kicked out FeedBurner (with, seemingly, no ill effects), and nuked Google Analytics. Now I’m turning my sights directly...

On Laziness 0

On Laziness

This morning, Liam was playing on his Kindle (as usual) while I was sitting at the table. Or at least I thought he was until he started asking me to get his Kindle for him. I walked over to see...

Rumor has it 1

Rumor has it

If the Internet is good at anything, it’s spreading information really, really fast. It’s even been shown that the reports of an earthquake actually travel faster than the shock waves, acting as a sort of early warning system for people...

Children are not the worst thing on a plane 1

Children are not the worst thing on a plane

Conventional wisdom is that screaming children are the quickest way to ruin a flight. Personally, I feel more empathy for the parents than anything else because we’ve been there multiple times. Our last flying experience revealed, though, that there is...

Sennheiser: Great Product, Even Better Service 1

Sennheiser: Great Product, Even Better Service

A number of years ago, Shauna bought me what are arguably some of the finest headphones you’ll ever slap on your noggin. Prior to that, I hadn’t even heard of Sennheiser, but it didn’t take long for me to become...