Author: Jesse

New Website Features: Sociable, E-mail Obfuscator 1

New Website Features: Sociable, E-mail Obfuscator

Most of you probably noticed the Digg This button that shows up a few days ago and now notice that it's been replaced with a bunch of little icons. They represent various social bookmarking websites where you can share blog...

Whole Foods is coming to Utah! 3

Whole Foods is coming to Utah!

I can totally get excited about something like this, even if they are going to be way downtown. Wherefore art thou, Trader Joe's?

It's still good! It's still good! Part 2: Government Assistance 4

It's still good! It's still good! Part 2: Government Assistance

A hallmark of left-wing politics has been an ever-expansive system of government assistance. These encompass programs such as welfare, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The purpose behind these programs is noble enough: help those who cannot help themselves. They have...

I'll be speaking to the Legislature in a couple of weeks. 4

I'll be speaking to the Legislature in a couple of weeks.

I've mentioned a few times before that I'm running a project called Free UTOPIA to get UTOPIA legalized for my area of town. Well, now comes the real challenge: I'm presenting to the Utah Technology Commission on November 15th at...

Utah Democrats, Please Ditch the Religious Bigots 4

Utah Democrats, Please Ditch the Religious Bigots

"Honey catches more flies than vinegar." It's an old English proverb and like most proverbs, there's something to it. In the art of persuasion, you are more likely to bring someone to your point of view with civility, rationality, and...

Travel Log, Tampa FL: Day 1 1

Travel Log, Tampa FL: Day 1

Or "Flying the Unfriendly Skies." Today's trip to Tampa started off really badly. In fact, I'd say it was one of the most annoying flying days I've ever had, topping the 6-hour wait in an employee lounge at Ontario's airport...

Where I Stand: County Offices 0

Where I Stand: County Offices

It took a lot of research to come up with some selections for our county offices. Many of these offices get overlooked for the more exciting and glamorous federal or state races. I believe, though, that these choices will have...

Track Your Representative 1

Track Your Representative

The fine folks at IPac linked to a service by the Washington Post that allows you to track the votes of each of your representatives in the US House and Senate. Even better, you can subscribe to an RSS feed...

Where I Stand: State and Federal Offices 5

Where I Stand: State and Federal Offices

I took the time to evaluate the candidates and I've made my decisions on all state and federal offices on my ballot. This includes US Senate, US House 2, State House 48, and State Senate 9.