Author: Jesse
Voucher Math
One of the biggest controversies surrounding the whole voucher program is cost. Depending on who you talk to, the program with either save a ton or cost a ton with little room left in the middle. One of the big...
Four-Dog Night
We had some adventures in dog-sitting over the weekend. Our friends Bobbie and Jeremy went to Disneyland with the fam and were left without a dogsitter, so we volunteered to watch their Jack Russell Terrier (Daisy) and bichon (Max). Max...
Social Blunder #58
Skirts that don't extend past mid-thigh are not appropriate work attire. This is doubly so on windy days. Triply so for thin materials.
Getting the Best Buy Out of Best Buy
For quite some time now, we’ve been using a pretty ghetto vacuum cleaner. I picked it up about 6-7 years ago when I first moved out and it’s since followed me through 5 dwellings and getting married. It’s been on...
Further Evidence That Lowe's Rocks
A little under three weeks ago, the ancient relic that was our refrigerator started showing some early warning signs of death. It started with things kept in there not feeling quite as cool as they should. Before long, we were...
Mark Towner Makes Another Vague Legal Threat
Some folks don't learn from their mistakes. Witness the vague legal threat that Mark made towards me. To Mr. Harris, PCE approached me in June 2007 about obtaining data, email security, website security consulting. The $5,000 payment received in September...
Mark Sorta Comes Clean
I guess even crazy spammer Mark Towner knows when to stop denying. Kind of. Paul Rolly reports that Towner admits to being behind the site but says it was a sting operation to expose closeted voucher opponents and has...
Salt Lake City Council Candidate Luke Garrott Ends Up Sending Spam
Seems that the spam news in Utah is all over the place these days. I got the following in my inbox this morning:
Some Post-Conference Thoughts
There's no particular theme other than these thoughts all relate to the October 2007 General Conference.