- Broadband Bytes for 2014-02-28 http://t.co/7Iabrv6heN ->
- Was the Utah Taxpayers Association behind HB60? A GRAMA request seems to hint at it. #utpol http://t.co/3jepCPsfjp ->
- Is Comcast going to tell you to hit the road when they merge with TWC? http://t.co/lzau9CQ97o ->
- Even if Verizon won't set hard caps for FiOS, good luck trying to use multiple TB per month. http://t.co/pyfk4gNlH2 ->
- Comcast has reached the end of its capacity. http://t.co/6mrcPEHS4G ->
- DDoS attacks are getting worse, faster. http://t.co/tnDx0orJWx ->
- Content providers are starting to get on board with over-the-top live TV. http://t.co/UNn19g6nTe ->
- SB190 is dead this year. #utpol http://t.co/T810wUT3Gy ->
- Holy buckets: up to 20% of your home's value could come from its connectivity. http://t.co/lneuGlNmQp ->
- SB190 dies, HB60 withers on the vine. It's a good year for broadband in Utah. #utpol http://t.co/gqgJ1nt2LZ ->
- Comcast likes to pretend it isn't lobbying even when it is. http://t.co/qrF8sN65Cd ->
- In the mood for good crazy? Agenda 21, poison radio waves, SOCIALISM!… this letter to the editor has it all. http://t.co/bAglndzIOm ->
- Why can't I get service when UTOPIA fiber is very close to my house? http://t.co/FDFco1U9nB ->
- The FCC could start knocking down municipal network restrictions by this spring. http://t.co/2EKqoZBNHZ ->
- Can slow and steady win the fiber race? It's working for Santa Monica. http://t.co/7KSl2GBYqs ->
- Self-congratulatory Comcast thinks meeting its own low standards deserves praise. Um, no. http://t.co/JniLK8M9lb ->
- How to not lose customers: build fiber. http://t.co/oyBLUFebsr ->
- Waitaminute… the legislature has something pro-broadband in the works this year?! #utpol http://t.co/ysy0FV0us8 ->
- Yay! More fiber to the press release! http://t.co/omZiENhGGJ ->
- If Comcast were in competitive markets, it would never be able to get away with this noise. http://t.co/e4pGN1fjt6 ->
- Fiber can handle 4K video. HFC cable plants can't. http://t.co/TBpMTWRaaq ->
- While Utah is stuck asking if we should further restrict munis, Tennessee is rolling back restrictions. #utpol http://t.co/ii0Jbu8H5m ->
- These maps visualize what a lack of competition looks like. http://t.co/kQrGrBCrLH ->
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