Author: Jesse
Victory Against the Chickens
Just a small note to indicate that the war on the chickens is over… and I won. I walked past that house the other day and noticed that the chicken coop is entirely gone. I guess the county eventually took...
Prilosec Believes in Russian Nesting Boxes
Last night, I went to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions and a couple of over-the-counter meds. On that list was some Prilosec OTC, one of the few industrial-strength antacids that pregnant women can take. It seemed like it...
Real-World Solutions to Solve Traffic Issues
Traffic planning is one of the core responsibilities we give to government, yet it is rarely discussed outside of the realm of two poles of thought: build more roads or run more busses. Each pole is heavily invested in their...
A WordPress Scheduled Post Disappeared (and how I fixed it)
I had a problem last night where I wrote a post, gave it a date to be published in the future and had it promptly disappear on me. Granted, I'm using an older version of WordPress (2.1.3 until I can...
The Importance of Shopping Around
Shauna and I have been talking about a new bed and bedroom set for a really long time. Our current bed is sagging quite a bit (both in the mattress and boxspring) and I’ve been using a TV tray as...
A Winner Is You
"Free is a very competitive price." That's been one of my catchphrases for a while now and rare are the occasions where it isn't true. This past week proved it in spades. I travel quite a bit for work and...
Election of a King
Ever since Ron Paul (predictably) failed to secure the Republican nomination for president, I have found myself uninspired by the current field of candidates. I can't even find a third-party candidate that makes me feel that I can hold my...
Building a New PC
After the death of the long-in-the-tooth desktop, I was looking forward to getting a shiny new one to replace it. I'd been intending to upgrade for a long time, but the total investment was proving to be a bit much...