Author: Jesse

Dear Comcast, Please jump in a lake and die. 8

Dear Comcast, Please jump in a lake and die.

Shauna and I decided that we wanted to watch a streaming movie from Netflix tonight and found a title that seemed pretty interesting. I went ahead and loaded it up only to be met with a message that our Internet...

Shopping For a New Phone Company 3

Shopping For a New Phone Company

Aside from some isolated issues, I've been pretty happy with my phone service from Vonage over the last four and a half years. The call quality is good, the price is excellent and they have an awesome set of features....

Why the Website Was Gone All Day Long 4

Why the Website Was Gone All Day Long

The short version is that the hosting company had a problem that caused the webserver part to barf. If you want to read the long version, click through to the rest of the story.

An Open Break-Up Letter to Bloglines 6

An Open Break-Up Letter to Bloglines

Dear Bloglines, I've been using your product ever since I figured out that clicking on the list of blogs from my blogroll or keeping a list of bookmarks would simply be too much. And you know what? It was a...

Victory Against the Chickens 4

Victory Against the Chickens

Just a small note to indicate that the war on the chickens is over… and I won. I walked past that house the other day and noticed that the chicken coop is entirely gone. I guess the county eventually took...

Prilosec Believes in Russian Nesting Boxes 2

Prilosec Believes in Russian Nesting Boxes

Last night, I went to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions and a couple of over-the-counter meds. On that list was some Prilosec OTC, one of the few industrial-strength antacids that pregnant women can take. It seemed like it...

A WordPress Scheduled Post Disappeared (and how I fixed it) 0

A WordPress Scheduled Post Disappeared (and how I fixed it)

I had a problem last night where I wrote a post, gave it a date to be published in the future and had it promptly disappear on me. Granted, I'm using an older version of WordPress (2.1.3 until I can...

The Importance of Shopping Around 2

The Importance of Shopping Around

Shauna and I have been talking about a new bed and bedroom set for a really long time. Our current bed is sagging quite a bit (both in the mattress and boxspring) and I’ve been using a TV tray as...