Author: Jesse

Quebec Isn't So Bad 4

Quebec Isn't So Bad

I've spent most of this last week in Montreal, Quebec doing on-site training and installation. Honestly, the whole language thing had me a bit intimidated. Not only do I not speak French, but I heard from a certain friend that...

ID This (or, Know Your Credit Card Rights) 12

ID This (or, Know Your Credit Card Rights)

If you’ve used a credit or debit card in the recent past, you’ve probably been asked to show ID with your purchase. I find this additional step to be somewhat inconvenient and recently discovered that Visa, Mastercard, American Express and...

Taking a Stand on Christmas Creep 12

Taking a Stand on Christmas Creep

I've pretty much had it with Christmas advertising already and it isn't yet Thanksgiving. Since just after Labor Day, stores have been hawking Christmas lights and playing Christmas music and basically bombarding me with everything Christmas for more than 2...

Recycling Made Easy 6

Recycling Made Easy

Shauna and I both have done a terrible job at taking advantage of the recycling bin provided by the county. Most of it boiled down to laziness. It seemed like a real chore to take a few small items out...

The Blessings of a New Temple 3

The Blessings of a New Temple

Today in church, we had a combined meeting with all of the adults and youth concerning the new temple being finished in Draper. This is going to be a truly massive undertaking with nearly 700 volunteers needed during each day...

Recipe: Pumpkin Bisque 6

Recipe: Pumpkin Bisque

I'm a pretty good pantry scavenger when our fridge is running a bit low on fresh ingredients. We pretty much hit that point with no milk, eggs or bread in the fridge and a lot of empty shelves. What we...

On Mythical Functionality 1

On Mythical Functionality

I had the following conversation with a co-worker today: Co-worker: Hey, uh…do you guys have a magical utility that emails reports? Something we don't know about? Me: Yes. It also ejects Pop Tarts from the floppy drive, if you have...