Liam's Hand Surgery
A lot of people are asking about it, so I thought maybe I should just get it written down in one spot so I stop having to repeat myself. Liam’s hand surgery has been scheduled for April 28 at Children’s Hospital Boston. We were accepted to stay at the Yawkey Family Inn, a sort of boarding house for patient families that has private rooms, a shared kitchen, laundry, and common areas for just $30 a night. Our moms are hooking us up with free flights thanks to frequent flyer points from Southwest. Shauna’s been saving all of the tips she gets at school to pay for the stay and any other expenses that may pop up.
Right now, the plan is to fly out the Saturday or Sunday before to give Liam a chance to recover from a long day of flying. We’ll be in Boston for about a week after the surgery while he recovers, then we’re going to head down to the DC area to stay with Shauna’s brother Bill. I’m probably going to fly back home not long after that and Shauna will stay with Liam until his followup 2-3 weeks later. The reason I may be coming back early is our dogs. They’ll be twitchy enough after two weeks of us being gone and really need to have someone around the house on a somewhat consistent basis. If you want to volunteer to watch them, please let us know. This doesn’t mean just to come over and feed them twice a day, but also to hang out for a bit and give the dogs some socialization. I certainly wouldn’t mind being able to stay with Shauna and Liam for the entire time.
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