I can now wax the crap out of your eyebrows.
Started school last week, peeps. Because I’m a COMPLETE dork that way, I even had Jesse take a picture on the first day of school:

First day of school
I totally look like someone that could do your hair, am I right? We haven’t gotten to hair yet though, so I TOTALLY FOOLED YOU. I did, however get to learn all about waxing, tinting eyebrows and eyelashes, facials, and AHA chemical peels. The first week of school was lots of fun. I seriously get ready for school around noon and then spend the rest of the day watching the clock until it’s time to go to school because I’m so excited to go.
It’s a little bit sad that Liam is already in bed when I get home. So I usually have to hop onto Facebook before I go to bed to stare at all the pictures I’ve got of him on there. Here’s a recent one for any of you that are not on Facebook:

Love that boy
I think it makes the time that we do have together so much better though. And Jesse said he could tell the difference in my mood right away. He said I seem much happier. It feels good to be a person sometimes and not just a mom.
Thursday was my birthday. I turned 31 years old. Since I was in school on Thursday, we got a sitter on Friday (Thanks, Kristy!) and went out to dinner and a movie. I got some lovely roses and Jesse “helped” Liam pick out a card for me. Thirty was a good year for me and so far thirty-one is looking good, too.
When I get any crap in my eyebrows that needs to be waxed out, you’ll be my first call. It’s good to know you’re a trained professional at that now.
You look so freaking cute!!!