Twitter Updates for 2009-03-26
- @windley Given how cheap RAM is, there really isn’t an excuse to NOT have 8GB anymore. Other than OS support. in reply to windley #
- I feel GREAT! Went to bed at 8P, kid didn’t wake up until 3:30AM, went back to bed until 8A. Screw Nyquil, that’s the way to fight a cold. #
- C’mon, @Comsumerist , AIG vs Target in the first bracket of Worst Company in American 2009 isn’t even close to fair. #
- Media-whoring alert: #freeutopia #mediawhore #
- @triplej2676 Blogging is kind of slow since I’m usually either working or taking care of the kid. I’ll see if I can post more later. #
- I think @boxee needs to work on stability and speed to catch up to XMBC. Internet video isn’t enough for those of us with local files. #
- Still working. Missing Lost. Not happy. #
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