Twitter Updates for 2009-03-25
- Your time is not worth more than my time. Lack of preparation and effort on your part is not an emergency on my part. #
- @ryanaswift We’re gonna be in Sac from this Saturday through April 12. We’d love to see you and Kim while we’re out there. #
- Just got a call from Steven Meyers at the SL Tribune. I gave him a few good quotes for a story on iProvo. Media Whoring WIN. #freeutopia #
- Actually, that might have been Donald Meyers. Not processing data so well with this cold. #freeutopia #
- Tip of the Day: Heat shortens battery life. Get your phone out of your pocket if you’re running out of juice. #
- Media Whoring #2: Just got interviewed by Joe Pyrah of the Daily Herald re the current iProvo stuff. #freeutopia #
- I’m trying to figure out how to make an hour be overtime and not overtime at the same time. #Stupid #California makes my brain hurt. #
- A shout out to Sacramento peeps that we’ll be crashing your area March 28 through April 12. #
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