Twitter Updates for 2009-03-24
- @jennythegreat It’s been sooo long since the Doctor was on the Vegas airwaves. A real shame too. in reply to jennythegreat #
- My sinuses feel like they’re going to explode snot all over my keyboard. This is a sucky day to work. #
- @Saintless What, dooce can talk about cabbage in her bra but I can’t talk about my nasal cavity? in reply to Saintless #
- @Saintless It was from several years ago and is a hoot to read. in reply to Saintless #
- @jennythegreat That last tweet scares me to my very core. in reply to jennythegreat #
- Mmmm… Dr. Pepper. Soda is much more tasty (and effective at waking you up) when you drink it infrequently. #
- Looking into BlogTalkRadio for future podcasting needs. It would be a lot less clunky than using TeamSpeak. #freeutopia #
- Looking into BlogTalkRadio for future podcasts. TeamSpeak, while a creative solution, is really clunky. #freeutopia #podcast #
- Working on Nuvont as the April guest for the podcast. #freeutopia #podcast #
- @espressoz Depends very heavily upon the distro. Many require you to compile from scratch, some use package managers like emerge or apt-get. in reply to espressoz #
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