Twitter Updates for 2009-03-22
- Doing ward bldg cleanup. On kitchen duty. It’s revoltingly filthy. Don’t think I’ll eat at ward functions for a while. #
- “Can’t legislate morality” is a lie. Law is nothing but codified morality. #
- Had the kid all day. He was a little terror and I didn’t accomplish anything I needed to get done. #
- @bestsariah Yeah, pretty much. If you want to send a private message to someone, use a Direct Message (DM). #
- Just saw the music video for Oingo Boingo’s “Little Girls”. Danny Elfman’s intensity makes the song much more unnerving and uncomfortable. #
- I think union policies are like rock band riders. They ask for them to see what they can get away with. The crazier, the better. #
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