Twitter Updates for 2009-03-10
- This would’ve been a good morning to come in late, but I had an 8AM appointment. HAD. They canceled when I got here. Jerks. #
- Bought The Orange Box last night after beating Half-Life 2 and now I have a spare copy to give away plus a guest pass for TF2. Any takers? #
- @jennythegreat We’re getting snow today. 2-5 inches. You suck. in reply to jennythegreat #
- A slow Monday and I’m taking support calls. It’s oddly relaxing. Probably because I haven’t done it in a few months. #
- Tip: If you’re on “hold”, don’t go to the bathroom with the phone. Because sometimes “hold” means “mute”. And we still hear you. #
- I’m going to telecommute the rest of the day. If I’m going to be bored, I’d rather do it at home. #
- Just dropped my L-series at the dealer after the final drive. #
- Based on the current snowfall and accumulation, there’s a 90% chance of telecommuting tomorrow with scattered pajama-wearing. #
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