Skipping Halloween

Yes, it's true. Shauna and I skipped Halloween. We didn't carve our pumpkin. We didn't give out candy. We didn't even answer the door any of the times it was knocked on. (Note to kids: if all of the lights are out and there's no jack-o-lantern, you're probably wasting your time.) And you know what? I'm okay with that.

Every now and then, we deserve to take some time off from a holiday. Aunt Melanie took Christmas "off" last year because she was just plain tired of dealing with it. I say more power to her. If you don't feel motivated to decorate, buy gifts or whatever else is socially expected of you for whatever occasion it is that's coming up, there is no reason you should make yourself unhappy just to blend in.

What about you? Do you sometimes say "bah" to a holiday to take the day off?


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9 Responses

  1. Debra says:

    I didn’t *really* celebrate either. I haven’t carved a pumpkin since I was much younger, and I haven’t worried about what I’m going to dress up as or how I’m going to decorate either. I wore one of Joe’s army uniforms for our ward party (we were in charge of it, so we couldn’t skip it), but that was the extent of it.

    Sometimes how we choose to celebrate holidays is what overwhelms us. I’m going to try really hard not to overwhelm myself for these next two coming up.

  2. Kristi says:

    I’m a regular skipper of Valentine’s Day, and have been known to have little to do with Thanksgiving. But Halloween is my favorite. I can see myself skipping Christmas when I’m older, though.

  3. notaturkeybone says:

    My mom has skipped out on Christmas every year since I was about 14 years old. She tries to say it’s because Christmas is too commercialized and takes away from the true meaning of the season and that she should have to have a special occasion to give gifts to her kids and blah blah blah. But I know it’s really because she doesn’t like shopping when there are any other people in the store.

    So you can see how that eliminates shopping in November and December. Oh also in JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberand November.

    Truth is, she just doesn’t like to shop.

  4. Jason says:

    I was a little sad not to see you guys at Trav’s on Saturday, but I’d no idea you were striking the whole holiday!


  5. Jeremy says:


    We abandoned our house this year and spent the whole week in Snowbird vacationing.

    I don’t have anything against Halloween…I’m usually a big fan of the holiday. We just decided a week in the mountains sounded more fun.

    Now…if I could get my wife talked in to skipping Christmas…that would be truly sweet.

    Maybe those Jehovah’s Witnesses are on to something!

  6. Reach Upward says:

    I have no problem with people choosing to skip a holiday. We gladly give away treats on Halloween (actually, we always give out cheap toys from Oriental Trading), and we take our younger ones out trick-or-treating. We skip the houses that have no lights on. But we decorate very little. Halloween isn’t that big of a deal to us.

    My family has a rich Christmas tradition. We decorate, have family parties, and give gifts (only in our nuclear family). While I think we decorate and give plenty of gifts, our celebrations are pretty modest compared to a lot of folks. But, hey, let them celebrate how, where, or what they may (to coin a phrase).

  7. jeremy says:

    Im not a big haloween guy, but I did have candy at home

  8. Cameron says:

    What is wrong with you people!? Bunch of Scrooges. Of course you celebrate holidays.


  9. Bill Fox says:

    We went out and bought candy , stayed home, and no one came. It probably has something to do with our long uphill driveway and steps. Other years we’ve always had a few hearty souls make the trek as long as we had plenty of light in the front yard. Anyway neither my wife or I are eating candy right now so it is still just sitting around the house

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