We will rock you
That was the first song played at the funeral I attended today . And between each speaker, they played another song, each just as seemingly out of place at a funeral as the one before it. It was fitting for Penny though, her family said, because she would have wanted us to remember all the good memories we had of her and not sit around and cry about her passing. I did my best to honor that request, but I've never made it through a funeral without blubbering and I didn't start today.
Whenever a person passes, you can't help but reflect on your life, too. Especially when someone so young passes so unexpectedly. We really just don't know how much time we have here. But we know that it is awfully short. Even for those who live to an old age, can it ever really be enough time to do all you wanted to do? To become the person you hoped to become? Will you have enough time to show your family and friends just exactly how much you love them?
Penny was my co-worker. And her smile and friendly way will be missed greatly. The room was so full, in fact, of people who loved her that many were standing because the chapel seats were completely filled. And as the speakers one by one spoke of her warm and loving ways, her playful and adventurous spirit, I wondered who would come to my funeral and what they would say. Let's just say I have even more admiration for Penny after my glimpse. She made being nice look so easy.
I wish I were a friendlier person. Like she was. So often, I give other people the responsibility to be friendly. It's not comfortable for me. But shouldn't I be worried more about other people than my own comfort level? So much easier said than done. But I'm going to try. One day, I hope I'll have a chapel busting at the seems with people who loved me. And I hope they'll be stomping their feet and clapping in rhythm to celebrate my life and not cry about my death. And I hope I can be more like Penny.
Rock on, Penny. Rock on.
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