It's 10:30 pm and it's 87 degrees.

In our living room.

Does anyone have a spare igloo we can move into? Please send chilly thoughts our way.

And ice cream. 

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8 Responses

  1. bestsariah says:

    You guys don't have central air? Crazy people!

  2. Shauna says:

    We have a swamp cooler, which is normally just fine to keep us cool and MUCH cheaper than air conditioning. However, our swamp cooler has been broken since we had our roof fixed.

    We have an electrician coming out on FRIDAY to take a look at it. But Friday can't come soon enough.

  3. Bobbie says:

    I sent chilly thoughts… Did it work?

  4. Girl, remember just 2 months ago it was -8 degrees in the morning. NEGATIVE EIGHT!  Think February……..!

  5. Jason says:

    Wait.. I thought you liked your house HOT! You know, to represent your love for me. And yes, Im talking to both of you. Awwws yeah! 

  6. Emily says:

    It's okay! The high is 60 degrees tomorrow. Sleep with your windows open and with any luck you'll be freezing your knickers off by 7 a.m.

  7. Bill says:

    It's not 10:30 yet

  8. Amy says:

    Is the basement any cooler? Yup, rain and storminess tomorrow and predicted high of 58. Hurry and go to sleep and tomorrow will be here!

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