Flatulent avocado pit?
Have you ever read through the nonsense that accompanies your spam messages? I find it highly entertaining. This one was a good one:
Now and then, a briar patch goes deep sea fishing with a nation from a rattlesnake. Any oil filter can compete with some scythe, but it takes a real pit viper to ridiculously bestow great honor upon a mastadon. When a nuclear customer is paternal, the flatulent avocado pit lazily recognizes a vaporized cowboy. Most people believe that some turkey single-handledly secretly admires a mortician, but they need to remember how single-handledly a self-actualized avocado pit returns home.
Wait… so is the avocado pit self-actualized about being flatulent?
Spammer’s attempts to fool spam filters amuse me greatly. I had to supress laughter while I read this.
Gee, that really stinks.
I loved to read those. Now, all I get is spam porn. I miss the old days when I got excerpts of novels, random text etc etc
You know… the more I read this, the more meaning it has. I’m thinking it was the flatulent avocado that caused the cowboy to vaporize.
Those so make me think of Spamusements. hee hee!
( http://spamusement.com/ some are so dang funny)
It hurts! It hurts!!
A turkey may secretly admire a mortician, but notaturkeybone admires paternal mastadons… c’mere sugar. Rrrrroooowww!