Travel Log, Camden SC: Day 1
I'm back in the steamy south on a business trip, this time in the interior of South Carolina in Camden. I'm writing a quick update before I crash into my bed for some earned sleep.
The flight out wasn't too bad. The guy next to me had taken a few 3PM "nightcaps" and was out for most of it. We even managed to get to the airport about 20 minutes early. Of course, upon arrival I find that the second flight has been delayed about 30 minutes. Lovely. Spending an extra hour sitting in the Atlanta Airport isn't exactly my idea of a good time, you know?
I ended up pulling into the hotel in Camden about 1AM local time, tired from a long day of flying and driving. I miss Shauna, even if I do get to sprawl out all over the bed.
My last business trip was to Savannah, and it took little work to find something to do in the after hours. Of course, that trip left me with plenty of free time. The assignment was to do some training and fixing for a school district, and they have a, er, "liberal" definition of a work day. The typical day was to come in around 9:30AM, take 90 minutes for lunch, and whoop, look at the time. Apparently 3PM means "quittin' time" in those parts. I ended up sleeping in and going out for most of my time there. It was more like a vacation than a business trip, especially with the nice hotel room at the Hampton Inn.
This one is going to be a bit more structured I think. The main office is open standard business hours and Camden isn't what I'd call a hustle-and-bustle city. I don't even think it's half the size of Sandy, geographically speaking. While I was in the lobby, I picked up some brochures of things to do in this area. So far, it looks like a bunch of historic sites are the only things around, but this seems like the kind of town that's closed by 7. I'd hate to end up spending all of my time sitting in a hotel room staring at the walls.
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